Don’t let debt, especially high-interest consumer debt, consume your most valuable wealth-building resource: your income! Take control by downloading our Google Sheet template, which will guide you in determining the optimal monthly payment to eliminate your debt within a matter of months.

    Download Your FREE Debt Payoff Spreadsheet!

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    Multiple streams of income can significantly propel your progress, moving you from one social class to another.


    Budget cuts have limits. At some point, it’s important to focus on increasing your income as there is no limit to that.


    Simultaneously investing and paying down debt is crucial. Developing your investment and saving habits early yields long-term benefits, and time in the market is irreplaceable.


    Here are some key principles I strongly advocate for, which were far from any financial advice I was given:

    I used to think about how much further ahead I could have been if I hadn’t dedicated my entire 20s to paying off debt or constantly being advised to cut back on spending, eliminate subscriptions, or opt for generic products. It became clear to me that there were crucial financial lessons I only learned later in life, if at all, which made me question if this information was intentionally kept from us.

    The OHH YOU BUDGET Story



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    Having experienced both the burdens of overwhelming debt and the rewards of financial prosperity, I take great pleasure in sharing my personal journey. It is my sincere hope that my content resonates with you as you embark on your own financial journey.

    I believe the path to financial wealth and freedom begins at ground zero—with a budget.

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      Don’t let debt, especially high-interest consumer debt, consume your most valuable wealth-building resource: your income! Take control by downloading our Google Sheet template, which will guide you in determining the optimal monthly payment to eliminate your debt within a matter of months.

      Download Your FREE Debt Payoff Spreadsheet Here!


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